You start off with that lazy high-school debating team cliché —“if you had read what I wrote”.
This slippery trick attempts to 1) work as a discrediting function, and 2) allow for the debater to not really address any of the issues that have been brought up.
I won’t reduce your response to that cliché — I’ll give you more credit than that —I’ll simply say that you did read what I wrote but there was too much information there for you to really reply to.
And then you further digress with a second paragraph about a perfect world and heaven. I’m sure you were so pleased with yourself when you spun that eloquent humerous homespun wisdom (sic).
And then we get to your grand concluding paragraph.
I will not waste my time extrapolating an exegesis on “morality” with you.
As to my understanding of the “sphere of influence in the West” — well, I spelled it out in my initial comment.
I grew up during the Vietnam War facing the Death Draft top go to the other side of the world to kill certain Vietnamese. I have watched, and fiercely protested, all the following invasions and interventions.
And give me a break — after you call me ignorant you want me to read some other article you’ve posted on Medium!
I remain glad that all the comfy computer keyboard warrior boy-men who push for, and cheer each other on, escalating this war are reduced to nothing more than spinning their words on Medium.
Me — I’ll continue to counter until my last breath to demand diplomacy and peace. The rest is just, as Major General Smedly Butler explained in 1935 — The War Racket.