aleXander hirka
2 min readFeb 4, 2023


You must be using some AI comment-producing app because your history of responses to others has the same high caliber of insight and dazzling imaginative zing that you brought to mine. Geez.

Your political acumen about the Russia/Ukraine situation seems to be anchored in Saturday morning cartoons of Boris Badenov.

For a moment I thought you had it nailed. . . . "Watching a country with a strong history of bullying ". . . but then I realized you weren't talking about the UsofA.

It's where I live—it's whose empire building, war machine I have been protesting and fighting against since I faced the draft for Vietnam, and it is where I have watched the endless slaughter continue with Iraq, Afghanistan, etc etc. Not to mention places like Chile where we overthrew democratic governments.

I am Ukrainian (and Polish) and I know the history of Russia (who defeated the Nazis) and Ukraine. During the past year I've studied even more.

You won't read it in the New York Times - they are our state-run newspaper (who fueled the invasion of Iraq - and now throw words onto the fire to keep this one going. And Taiwan/China.)

If you think this current war was "unprovoked" - and not calculated by NATO and USofA - you were not paying attention before (Google: Nuland-Pyatt phone call) and are buying the propaganda now.

I am not - you silly silly boy - a Russia apologist.

Calling people Russian trolls is the easy way out of dealing with oposing views.

It's McCarthyism again - call them commies!

What I am is a serious critic of what the USofA is now doing, fueling this proxy war using Ukrainian blood.

I will go down criticizing the military-industrial complex (800 bases all aroiund the world) that is giving billions to Lockheed Martin and other weapons manufacturers to continue this war instead of finding ways towards peace. You have to be blind not to see how this is working for the benefit of USofA monetary interests.
Black Rocck CEO is already meeting with Zelensky to plan the "rebuilding". Oh the money will flow.
But not to the people - not even to those who are fighting this ionsane war!

People are dying but Putin, Zelensky, Biden - they and all their oligarchs and CEOs are doing just fine, and will after this "war" is over. It's the war racket.

Major General Smedley Butler had this game exposed in 1935 in his brilliant piece "The War Racket"

I've digressed. Try to think outside the proscribed narrative box.
This war is nowhere near as black and white as your comfort level would like it to be.



aleXander hirka
aleXander hirka

Written by aleXander hirka

Writer, visual artist, philosopher, autodidact, curmudgeon. More than half of what i do is make believe.

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