You certainly don't work against imperialism by allowing it free reign by not criticizing it at every turn, or even worse by supporting its never-ending series of manipulations—such as in Ukraine—where they’ve provoked the war and are now escalating it daily—reaping the benefit$ of The War Racket (see Major General Smedley Butler, 1935) while utilizing Ukrainian blood.
I know that the pro-American-imperialism-proxy-war folks still like to deny the US role in the past leading up to this—even though writers and historians (among them John Mearsheimer, John Pilger, and journalist Glen Ford) are on record for almost a decade beforehand in writings and speeches spelling out the provocative US/NATO game in the region.
It’s not a secret except to those who don’t want to admit it—those to whom when you point it out they resort to the (pathetic) “Russian propaganda” retort.
When I’ve mentioned in my writings things like the Nuland/Pyatt phone call, or the McCain/Graham/Klobuchar visit to offer military support to Ukraine in 2016, I’ve been told I am writing “from a basement in the Kremlin”.
Those combination red-white-blue & yellow-blue blinders fit very snuggly on the comfortable computer keyboards warriors.
And now with the US sending more and more weapons to escalate the war—profits at Lockheed Martin, Boing are great— it is quite obvious what they were up to, and where they are willing to go. No US troops dead so Americans are willing to join Lindsay Graham at liking the “good investment” of having Ukrainians die for our proxy war with Russia.
I feel I have to raise my voice—and praise Scott for doing so!—because most Americans have been propagandized on levels previously unseen in my lifetime (Leni Riefenstahl would be proud)—unaware at what nightmarish and dangerous games their empire is playing under the fancy dress that we are doing this for Ukrainians or freedom or some other blue/yellow meme.
I came to age during Vietnam and they wanted me to play the death lottery and go over to the other side of the world to kill certain select Vietnamese (or die trying) so I have watched closely what this country is about.
You won’t convince me that we are selling billions of dollars of weapons, and pushing Ukrainians to go further and further, because our empire is freedom loving, and democracy defending.
This is The War Racket— completely exposed for anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear.