What you are apparently doing is reading what I write while wearing your Confirmation Bias glasses.
I have never ever written a pro Russian word.
If I did, it would be about their musical composers or literary writers — certainly not any of their political leaders.
Anyone reading my words can quickly see that I have no room for any political leaders anywahere in the world in my mind. (Well, I did have a bot for Bernie Sanders and now Lula in Brazil.)
What I assume you are misinterpreting as pro Russian is my anti-American sentiments. This is the country I have lived in my 70 years so I am absolutely entitled to call them out at the horrible things they have done all around the world, and continue to do so. They and NATO helped create the situation that is happening in Ukraine.
I have repeatdly stated that this is no excuse for Russia invading Ukraine, which is unforgivable, but also that it is unforgivable that the USofA is giving billions of dollars of tax money to its weapons manufacturers (Lockheed Martin et al) to fight a proxy war with Russia using Ukrainian blood.
Meanwhile people here face economic hardships—in part due to this callous pursuit of this war.
I am Ukrainian/Polish and have some knowledge of the complex relationships, cultural and political, between all the peoples of this region and how it has exploded in different ways over the years. I grew up facing the military draft during the USofA invasion of Vietnam, and have watched over thge decades how this country continues to have disregard for democracy around the world as it stampedes ahead, backed with lies, to expand its empire.
I would love to see the Russian people stand up against their government, as I would love to see people here have the guts to stand up agaisnt their government.
Summed up — in response to your claims about my writings: I am in no way pro Russian.
All wars are nothing but murder, and often rape, and any brief glance at real history books will show you that every army in every war has not only commited the obvious murder of other mother's sons, but has also raped their daughters. The stories of atrocoties like this and worse being done by USofA troops in Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan are on the record. This is the horror of war - and this is why I have been anti-war since my teens.
As Major General Smedly Butler wrote in 1932:
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
I have tried to clarify my thoughts. I hope you can understand and not just fire off comments like you did about me, or anyone with an opposing view, without some deeper consideration.