USofA citizens scoff at Russian propaganda and yet buy their own by the wheelbarrow.
Sending billions of dollars in military aid — aka cash to Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Rayhtheon, et al — to fluff up a proxy war against Russia utilizing Ukrainian blood under the pretenses that this has something to do with democracy and freedom (we should talk!) is absurd.
You say you've been a critic of USofA foreign policy for decades — well, you should have stuck with it. They fooled you this time!
Russia has not received a "mortal blow". The ruble is doing better than any other currency. Your analysis of the weakness of Russia to wage war is being discredited even by the NYTimes, who are on this as much as they were supporting the Iraq invasion.
If only we had leaders in this country half as smart as Putin. But the media can't suggest that because then we start seeing what a two-party shitshow — completely unresponsive to its people — we live in.
This is going to be added to the list of USofA foreign policy screwups that leave millions unecessarily dead.