[To the readers of this . . .
The disclaimer at the end should come at the top — so that people don't waste their time reading some gal's absurd personal click-bait sexual expose as "things to know" — to be taken as advice.
It's not!
Whatever "research" she has done, it bears out her statement that it "by no means makes me an expert". Understatement! She and "several of her girlfriends" should stick to reviews of the "Barnbie" movie for now. Or manybe just the dolls—since their genital area she seems to idealize.]
To the author:
I know it's intent is clickbait, but what goofball personal preferences to pass on to men as "things men need to know".
Bad enough that women have been bamboozled into shaving their genitals — for that prepubescent look — and using scented products to hide thir body oders - with disregard to body chemistry — now there's the drive to get men to submit to to the same kind of peer-pressured, dumbed-down, personal insecurity (and thus product sales).
Then they can sell you products for razor burn/rash—Gillete's all ready with an "Intimate Pubic Anti-Chafing Stick" to rub on the wrinkles of you balls. The "Manscaped" company is making a fortune on men joining the insecurity band wagon.)
(PS — all those cuts and nicks are great entry places for viruses and bacteria , including herpes, syphilis and HPV. Remember that on first dates.)
"Cologne on your tea bag"? Really?!! Sure- sptay those alcohol based products on right after you shave for that special Yowch Sensation ™ ©.)
If they've used soap and water they should be AOK — normal male smells that many sexually experienced women delight in (you might get there when you grow up) — just as experienced men prefer fresh vaginal smells to sticking their face onto a patch of petunia secented baby-flesh.
And — if they're not clean — do you want any unpleasant smells blended with Acqua Testicle di Giò? Wow- just WOW!
What you are proposing is a "south of the border" that's more a over-deoderized shopping mall than a center of sensual animal delights.