The worst I can say about the “good people” is that they are easily manipulated to go along with their government’s narratives.
And, since ALL the mass media serves the empire, unless citizens make a concerted effort to delve into understanding the real machinations behind their governments' actions (who has the time when there’s a new Netflix series), they will absorb and repeat the propaganda. Blue/yellow memes reflect this.
As to U.S. policy, especially in international affairs, being “driven at every turn by profits and power” — you bet it is “soulless”!!
I certainly intended my “tone” to be more
than “odd and callous”.
What you may see as “melodramatic assertions” is my attempt to speak truth to power, to expose the deceptions of the U.S., especially their primary role in The War Racket.
I wrote my dissenting perspective on Medium to counter the way- too-many comfortable computer keyboard warriors who seem to think they achieve valor with their war video-game strategies and pushes for escalation.
May the “good people” come to understand the truth that Major General Smedley Butler spelled out in 1935, and begin to speak out against the perpetual wars and military madness that their tax dollars are paying for. The “good people”, we, have blood on our hands.