The USofA is in the same league as Russia. Invaders. I faced prison when I refused the draft to Vietnam. Only lost two years of my youth living underground.
If I was in Russia now I'd do the same. High price to pay — surely — but have to question if the horrors of prison or whatever (with your conscience intact) is worse than going to kill or be killed on a battlefield of a country you are invading.
As to the rest—War is A Racket.
Men start wars. Other men join it. They make arguments for it. They praise those who go along with it. Support the troops no matter what they are doing. War is a cancer that thrives on masculinity. Nationalism and political hyperbole and religion are all logs to throw on the fire.
Men behind computer screens cheering on "heroism" flood the internet.
I wish more women stood up to this ongoing bullshit in the name of some vague "freedom".
Aristophanes had it right in Lysistrata.