That's a very convenient choice of historical perspective you've selected for yourself.
Let's not look at the last decade of US/NATO intervention and regime change, provocation, and escalation in the billions of dollars to our military-indistrail complex to try to weaken Russia.
And of course that it easy to skip because the US hasn't done anything to indicate that it wants to rule the world since WWII.
From your elevated position of political/historical knowledge (sic), people whose persepctoves are different (yes, AOC is certainly an establishment Democrat*) are at minimum "inaccurate", probably "fascist-friendly", or a "faux-progressive Russian useful idiot") and so you troll and eject your collections of links and insults.
As my Ukrainian grandmotherwould say "bozhe bozhe!".
* The Democrats now have Blinken and Nuland where the Republicans had Cheney and Rumsfeld. The duopoly we have in this country, both parties serving the same masters (and not the people) must somehow be overcome.
No need to flog the very dead horse of our vast differences in perspectives. Cheers.