Member-only story
September and Loss
Lend Me Your Ears For A Fall Into Mood Indigo
“There’s a bit of magic in everything / and then some loss to even things out.” — Lou Reed
(Writers have been known to keep bees, yes—and even peacocks . One writer collected butterflies — and I, since my teen years, collected songs.)
September (2011)
In the 1990s I put together a mix-compilation of songs — under the banner of “September” — on something called a cassette tape (and shared it with my friends).
It was a collection of songs driven by mid-life-questioning, wrapped in the colors of autumnal songs — its sad tone and introspective lyrics segued themes of passing time, disillusionment, frustration, confusion, regret, sadness, and loss.
Over the years I added and removed songs in pursuit of a perfected image of that elusive mood indigo. In 2011, I brought that project to completion in a 2 CD set.