Seeing your conversation in this thread, with all the pride of making your kids Americans, I wonder how you compartmentalize the fact that your comfort and that of many immigrants comes at the price of this empire's continued invasions and manufactured coups all over the world - killing millions.
As someone born here I not only remember the USofA victimhood parade (9/11) but much more so everything that it has perpetrated — from being the only country to drop two nuclear bombs on innocent cities, to Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan, and the whole long list of places where we've butchered people so we can have cheap gasoline.
Ano now we are giving our weapons manufacturers — Lockheed Martin, Boing, Raytheon, billions in profits for their investors on Wall Street to fight a proxy war with Russia using Ukrainian blood.
(I'm Ukrainian and "know a thing or two" about that country, it's history, nationalism and relationship with Russia.)
Meanwhile our neo-liberal slimeball politicians are setting up situations to do proxy war with China via Taiwan.
It's the War Racket.
And all this at the price that we can't have healthcare for everyone, our educational system an expensive scandal, etc. etc etc.
If my situation allowed it I'd leave this country in a heartbeat.