Nice wordplay which alas I do not have time to deconstruct.
I'm sure this way of defining things makes you—and the plutocratic politicians of both parties and the military industrial-complex—feel so much better about what the USofA does.
The War Racket loves anyone who points the figer at the evil—over there!
I dare say the millions upon millions of people the USofA has slaughtered post WWII—during that "era of relative peace" would disagree.
Your specially designed interpretations are merely attempts to water down the blood all over this country's hands.
That argument—well they started it!—is just nonsense regharding the USofA. (Nuland/Pyatt phone call before Ukraine, Pelosi etc visiting Tawian now.)
We expecty people in Russia to stand up to their government when the spineless, uneducated people here—who have bought the TV entertainment news narratives—comfortably defend our actions and demonize the others.
It's just what the Russian government does—and lets not pretend that their censorship is any more manipulative than ours. Ours is just more slick.
Hey, if it works for you—it does for millions of comfortable Americans—hold onto your analysis.
But for me it doesn't and I do hope this country finally gets pushed back.
I see what we do as nothing but a manifestation of the War Racket.