Nice attempt at that high-school debating team trick of reducing everything I had to say in my piece by proclaiming that it is merely "opinion".
(Guess what, madam—it is!)
Likewise impressive was your name-calling me “naïve” and “immature”— which of course is intended to virtue-signal your own supposed maturity, and of course blazing intelligence.
(Not sure who you think won’t see through that.)
Especially since—after that questionable opening statement—you proceed to undermine all that attempted criticism, and self-inflation, by following it up with your very own long-winded tumbling tumbleweed of hyperbolic OPINION.
I do hope you don’t have any more “constructive criticism”—and that you are, as you claimed, “done with this”.
But somehow—because of the fact that you refer to this as a “pissing contest”—I feel I am encountering an adolescent (of whatever age) with an overactive verbal bladder.
And oh yeah . . . you wrote:
" . . . the U.S. was forced into a war"
And the poor dears have been forced into every one of the military adventures since then—forced into Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Granada, Panama, Syria, Haiti, Bosnia, Ukraine, Israel . . . as they will be forced into military actions against Iran or China.
Another opinion . . .
" . . . at this point in history, it is America itself which must pay the price, with much blood and treasure."
And thus, your own words back at you— “I laugh at your charming, but clearly uninformed, naivete.”
Fare thee well