Let's see if you are done with the conversation or if you just wanted the last word.
I was in a similar situation as you around Vietnam. ANti-war, anti-draft activist - refused to register. And stayed here.
As a result my tax money is still paying for one after another USofA invasions or interventions.
I would have refused to go along with any of them and face prison rather than go to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. I would certainly have encouraged/supported my sons to refuse. Luckily they didn't face it. But I was in the streets protesting.
You say you would oppose a war of aggression or imperialism - well that is exactly what the USofA is doing in Ukraine. Pure imperialism, using Ukraine as a proxy. And in the planning for a long time.
Perhaps you have forgotten the lessons of Vietnam — how the USofA government works — what how the neo-cons who are in power have plotted this out.
Perhapos you haven't checked the USofA involvement in Ukraine before and since 2014. The information is out there now and even the war rallying NYTimes has talked about this being a proxy war with Russia.
Perhaps you really think that it is in the interests of Ukraine (rather than the bottom line of Lockheed Martin et al) that we are sending billions of dollars of military aid.
Perhaps you are focused only on what Russia did in Ukraine and this can justify the good/evil paradigm, but I live in the USofA and feel resposible for what this country does — and as with Vietnam etc I do not in any way support the pouring billions of dollars in expanding the empire under the lies of supporting democracy (which this country has no right talking about) as they spun a fight against communism to invade Vietnam.
If you choose to end this that is okay. I don't think we'll convince each other.
But I am glad to hear that you did take the historically correct stand against the Vietnam war and refused.
I am hoping the greedy malicious role of the USofA in this war is eventually exposed and it is looked upon as all the other USofA military adventures —horrible life-costing mistakes.