Let's jump back and note that you started this whole thread in response to William Dentzel choosing to use his vote to protest the duopoly's unacceptable policies with the cliche'd liberal shaming, lecturing and browbeating of "So you don’t really care about people?".
I bounced it back at you and now you bounce it back with the the inane virtue-signaling of "you don't care about your fellow American citizens, specifically Black, POC, LGBTQ, and women."
Oy gevalt!.
(Do I hear Phil Ochs' "Love Me. I'm A Liberal" in the background?)
This candidate has been sitting next to the levers of power for four years & done nothing to alleviate the suffering both abroad & at home. Same charming deceptiveness as Obama.
Do what your conscience —or more likely your fears—demand.
I will ready to fight for the rights of the people here and in the rest of teh world when either one of the two charlatans of the duopoly wins—because the world will not be safe either way.
I will be writing in Jill Stein/ Rudlph Ware here in New York City. As did a voice I respect— Margaret Kimberly.