It would be entertaining to watch one of The Comfortables get their knickers up in a twist over this if it didn’t turn towards abusive violence in response.
But you decided to argue something you have judged as “stupid”—with something just plain (my judgment)—vile!
And boy, the vitriol in some of the comments—responses cheering on and extrapolating on physical cruelty—with the writer joining in to confirm and support each and every nasty one.
Was this protest an imperfect way of getting attention to a very important cause? Yeah, I suppose.
They were just trying to get attention - like you with this piece.
It's the current way of doing things.
With the world paying more attention to Elon Musk and Kanye West than to Chris Hedges or Mick Wallace in Ireland it is hard to get people’s attention to important issues. (Those examples will be borne out by you and your commenters, I’d bet.)
“Working within the system” as far as dealing with climate change? Really? When every politician, Democrat and Republican, is owned by the fossil fuel industry.
And the military-industrial complex!!
No artwork was destroyed in these protests - the art is behind glass and the protestors knew it - just a bit of a clean up mess.