In all the instances you mentioned it was people rising up against the actions of the government.
People spoke out against Vietnam because of the draft. The government got wise. Stopped that and stopped the media from reporting death counts. Now, silently they do just what they want.
Billions upon billions to Ukraine — all you need is feed the masses the black/white good/evil narriatives and no protests or rebellion. And those who speak against it in any way are called Russian apologists. I know, I've had it thrown at me plenty of times—and I'm just one very small voice.
Absolutely true about the media - the NYTimes, supposedly the newspaper of record, allows no dissenting voices whatsoever. You'd think people would question them, considering how they fueled the lies of the Iraq Invasion.
At this point there are few dissenting voices. The propaganda machine here is working like never before in my lifetime.
And Americans really do think that it is only places like Russia or China or wherever that propaganda is fed to the people.
I don't see people here "trying their best".
I see very seriously crippled critical-thinking.
I see a nation satisfied, comfortable, drugged on technological and entertainment toys.
(Brave New World by Aldous Huxley had this country's direction down as much as Orwell had the Soviet Union or other totalitarian nations.
People in totalitarian countries eventually rebel—those who are comfortable and turned into passified consumers do not.)
With no personal stake in it (because they don't believe nuclear war can happen), Americans can just run with their Saturday morning cartoon good/evil narratives of politics (Boris Badenov), put blue/yellow stickers on everything (especially social media for virtue signalling to their tribe) and push for vengence and further aggression from the comfort of their computer keyboards.
My fight with the powers of this plutocracy — and all excuses for war — will go on til my last breath.