I should take the time to debate your points when you begin with this kind of pathetic nonsense?
"Are you not able to understand facts or you are getting paid for this line of thinking."
After I called you out —and extrapolated on the absurd weakness of using that "Krelin propaganda" trope to desperately try to discredit my opposing views.
If they don't fit your very limited perspective they must be working for the enemy. Sad.
It's as lame as if I tried to say you were merely spouting Zelenskyy (you know, that Vogua Magazine model and iAmerican puppet) propaganda.
That nonsense only works in your mind and in those who similarly resport to it.
You can take your extremely limited talking points to the gullible ones with little blue/yellow viurtue-signaling stickers. You and they can leave critical thinking behind and be computer keyboard warriors and win this war for Ukraine.
You, like many (most?), like to see the world in black/white, good/evil. It's much easier that way to raisse your voice in righteousness. The War Racket works best when people think that way, waving flags, sending their boys to die/kill for some ideal.
Me—I will contiinue to write for peace, against the War Racket (which includes Vogue magazine model Zelenskyyy)—and especially agasint the USofA involvement in and escalation of this nightmare.
Good luck.