I just watched a few snippets here and there of the DNC Bread & Circus—because these vile creatures—using emotive manipulation and passion histrionics to deceive The Gullibles, and reassure The Comfortables—cause me serious existential pain.
Their service to the illusions of this bought-and-sold system—daring to call it democracy—and (especially) the zombie response of the audience—drive my Misanththometer™© even further into the red.
AOC was like some over-animated AI puppet.
Obama, who the great journalist Glen Ford had pegged right from the start, was dripping his usual slick presentation slime — delighting the peasantry with his aristocratic (sic) charm.
[Barack recently posted his “summer reading and music list” on Medium. I'm considering a book — The Aesthetic Tastes of War Criminals—with one of George W's fabulous paintings on the cover.]
And Bernie Sanders doing his usual litany of things the democrats use to sell their brand but will never do for the people—tossing in a mention of a cease-fire in Gaza to keep his credentials with the easily bamboozled. All while being there to support Obamala Harris. That's entertainment.
(Full disclosure—I was among those desperate enough to be fooled into working for his campaign. When the Democrats bent him over twice—and he didn’t even ask for lube—but instead supported the Somnambulist—I was shaken out of my hopeful stupor.
His continued support for the proxy war with Russia I can never forgive.)
And okay—call me a snowflake—but I no longer have the stamina to watch Hillary Clinton without an antiemetic.