I don't want to vote AGAINST Republicans - I want to vote FOR Democrats. I have for decades. But the charade is over. It has been over for quite a long time but now it has gone too far. When it comes to economics and the military the two parties serve the same god - Wall Street.
We have a corporate owned oligarchy - which is just autocracy in virtual TV show dress.
Bernie is the only one who has called out Manchin and Sinema by name for what they are doing — and they are are nothing but scapegoats for the rest of Democrats who don't have the courage (they know where their money comes from) to stand up to those two. Otherwise the Democrats might actually have to do something, which might bring change —which Biden promised us would not happen.
And so yes I do believe things would be very different if Bernie was president. For the very reasons that the establishment Democrats made sure (thanks Obama) that he didn't get in.
PS You should consider getting off the high horse with all the cheap petty judgements of others' opinions — "you are not paying attention to what is going on." and "have no clue."