I am not going to write things for The Comfortables and The Gullibles. Not my calling.
As Dylan sang—"It ain't me you're looking for."
There's already plenry of that struff out there that you'd consider "helpful"— words that feed the official party narratives — written by people who can actually write about Obamal Harris and her "poilitics of joy"—without gagging.
And, bottom line — this is not a time for platitudes.
My anger exists to expose the deceptions—set fire under the false narratives— that are used to passify so many. Maybe if Democrats had some anger and gumption they'd demand their party to get things done.
The vote-blue-no-matter-who argument wants voters to continue bending over, election after election — and not even asking for lube.
With nothing much to offer but Trump-fear, these neoliberals are the monsters behind the proxy war with Russia and supporting Israel in its genocide.
I'm 72. After 50+ voting years, last year I finally registered as unafilliated. The Democratic Party has drifted so far right that Obamala Harris' politics are not far from George W..
Thanks for appreciating my writing — but it is not here in the service of upholding the rotting empire.