Far from “the world”.
There’s BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Thats about 3.25 Billion people — almost half the world’s population.
Goldman Sachs claimed that the global economy will be dominated by the four BRIC economies by 2050.
(At the recent UN vote 35 countries abstained from voting fror the resolution for Russia to leave Ukraine.
Pakistan, Vietnam, Cuba, Loas, Sri Lanka, Indioa, Iran, China, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe.) Add all these people to the 3.25 billion in BRICS and we’re certainly over half the people on the planet.
So much for US hedgemony, driven by the militarism of 800 military bases all around the planet, and now increasing them around China.
I have watched my country's international behavior since the days I faced the death lottery — to go to Vietnam and kill people on the other side of the planet — and it is far past time for that to be pushed back. Feels like a desperate dying empire—that can’t take care of it’s people—charging ahead to prove something, risking everything.
Right now the US is leading — and applying pressure on Europe and other countries to join in — a proxy war it provoked with Russia which is damagaing economies everywhere—and threatening WWIII. Manifest destiny in action—but I’ve been paying attention and this country has NO moral high ground.
[Just in case: Responses that I’m a "Russian troll" or my supposedly stating "Russian talking points” is nonsense. That is, alas, the sad level of conversation amidst this propaganda blitz.
I condemn the war —but I particularly condemn my country's mindless role in it. If you don't have at the very very minimum knowledge of the Nuland/Pyatt phone call you know nothing about this situation and the US using Ukrainian blood for it's own selfish goals.]
Demonizing Putin (as we did with Gaddafii, Saddam Hussein, and others) seems to work yet again with the American people and gets them to buy some blue/yellow stickers. Vogue Magazine finishes the job by painting Zelenskyy a superhero—which fits the American black/white good/evil they get trained to think in terms of at the movies.
Oh - and bravo to the many many thousands in Berlin who this weekend marched against the delivery of more weapons to Ukraine, for peace, for diplomacy and the end of slaughter - NOW!
I look forward to people here in the US snapping out of this amazingly orchestrated propaganda narrative and start taking to the streets and demanding peace rather than more profits for Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon.