During my 71 year visit to the planet I have not seen propaganda work this well. (I missed the War Racket machinations of WWII, but Leni Riefenstahl would be dazzled by what we do.)
After Vietnam they learned not to broadcast daily US troop deaths on TV and get rid of the draft.
Since then it has been a steady distancing of what our empire does away from the eyes of the masses. Steadily progressing up to the present with such things as drones doing our murders — and now, the perfect set up — we just send weapon$ (good for our "economy"—hence the media is fully onboard), no death tolls of "our boys" (they're busy on the 750 military bases around the world), narratives of good/evil are dipped in the ever popular flavor-of-the-day: Russophobia, easy blue/yellow memes and slogans (Slava Ukraini) — and an actor who 24/7 travels his ego around the world playing superhero president (just as he did on Ukranian television).
Forgotten are Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and . . .
Consent has been thoroughly manufactured — and leaders who propse stopping the madness are considered suspect.
Thank you for your continuing voice of reason amidst the comfortable computer keyboard warriors here on Medium who go on about escalating the war (they often talk about the weapons in perversely excited terms, as if this was a video game), with a totally blind disregard for what their vision of "victory" could mean in human toll.