Based on your initial comment I should have forseen something this shallow coming in response.
Let me remind you that it was the neoliberal leaders of the Comfortables, Mr. Somnamulist and his last-minute relacement, Obamala, that kept providing billions in weapons for Netanyahu Zionists, with which, in addition to commiting genocide, they turned Gaza into the wasteland that it is.
On this issue both Sleepy Joe and the current TV reality show Clown are in total agreement —supporting Zionism, expanding Israel. Neither has hidden this. Different styles — same bullshit!
You were just fooled into the Vote Blah fear tactics and chose to look the other way —a privilege of the Comfortable —and pay attention to what the neoliberal Democrats were doing.
Now you want to turn a blind eye to all that and put all the blame on Trump. Of course you do.
Always blame others, never look at your own behavior — it's the Democratic Party way!
I voted for almsot exclusively for Democrats for 50+years! — and finally registered independent this year.
I can at at the very least feel I didn't support this Dem/Rep Duopoly of Death. I protested. Ain't much, but . . .
In fact I didn't in any way help them by default.
By playing the game, you in fact did help get them there.
Either way, protest and action must be the way to proceed. Good luck.