As someone who worked for the election of Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020 I watched as the DNC decided who will represent us.
With all the current talk of rigging the elections a whole book could be written about the manipulations of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton in 2016, and the back room backstabbing and deal making of Barack Obama in 2020.
Unfortunately, as wonderful as his words were/are, Bernie did not have the gumption to really stand up to the establishment — and remains silent as that same party continues its corrupt power plays by denying debates and again promotes The Somnambulist, whose few campaign promises were all stolen from Bernie, and not one fulfilled.
Based on this behavior - and the fact that the Democrats (and yes, painfully, even Bernie) are all supporting the funding of the military-industrial complex’s perpetual war (talk about crazy ideas!!) — especially the billion dollar dangerous proxy war with Russia (to the last Ukrainian, as Lindsay Graham put it) — I have today mailed in my voter registration form to change to Unaffiliated.
For fifty years I’ve pulled, pretty much exclusively, blue levers — but I no longer want to be a “member” of something so corrupt, deceptive — and spineless.
( Here’s Lindsay spelling it out in case you missed it: