Another piece written by someone all fired up by the media/government spin — and intent on spreading it outward.
It seems like we have a nation that really doesn't pay attention to anything that goes on in the world.
At least not beyond what comes out of their televisions: that corporate-owned talking head of the government narrative.
In Russia we are told it is "state-owned media", which cleverly wiggles around the fact of who owns our media!)
And so now everybody thinks that what is happening is something new.
The NYTimes feeds them the kinds of horrific photos they always skip from other wars — (and they all have them!) — especially USofA invasions!
It is not like our submissve, entertainment drugged, populace is about to take the time to study the complexities of the situation —especially the USofA involvement.
It is so much easier to run with this emptional spin and abuse words like "freedom" and "democracy". Good guys/bad guys — we learn that from cartoons to super hero movies.
This piece serves nothing but to further spread the painfully distorted narratives that the USofA empire-planners love — as it fits their plans for that area of the world all along.
I'm glad to see voices of reason responding againt this hyperbolic rhetoric here in the comments.