And I condemn the list of excuses and what-aboutisms you bring to the table to try to reduce the condemnation of racism and abuse that this article brings forward.
The citizens of the US have continually been helped to forget or excuse the horrors this country has perpetrated - is perpetarating!!! - by its military-industrial complex fueled media narratives.
Countries, governments — all tribes — distort or lie to make themselves look good, painyting themselves better than the others. Its a human thing. We all present ourselves in good light.
But . . .we also all need to sit down and take deep honest looks at ourselves, at our motivations and our actions in the past, because those affect our actions in the present.
For the Unites States and its citizens it's a importtant thing to reflect upon the delusions of the Manifest Destiny that we began with and the destructive ends we continue to go to in trying to maintain hedgemeony.
It is important for us as a country and as invifdiduals to be honest about our collective past—in the hopes that we can see through the lies we are currently being fed, address the current abuses of our government around the world, and maybe even prevent some future horrors.
We are encourage to go with the easy tactic of pointing to the problems "over there". Russia — or your next door neighbor—or trans people—or immigrants—or . . .
These keep the people busy and distracted while those in power, hiding behind a political party duopoly, keep the gears greased for the greed and war machine to roll on.
I faced the Vietnam Invasion death lottery, wherein they wanted me to go kill people on the other side of the planet (I refused) so I have remained very attentive to the actions of this empire.
Point fingers at Russia or anyone else, but the actions of the US
Talk about "war crimes"!!
And alas — all country's do it as they fuel the "reasons" for their wars, because all wars are really (as Major General Smedleey Butler exposed it in 1935) part of The War Racket. We need to become informed and demand peace.