Member-only story
Anatomy Of Time
Characters In The Flesh
Having a book signing party at the Shakespeare & Co store is quite prestigious and Calvin was enjoying the attention. The usual wine and cheese and subdued conversation all around the shop, browsers here and there, and a line of autograph seekers making their way to the table.
Maybe it was just the French he thought—or maybe some wishful thinking on his part—but it seemed to him that a couple of the attractive women, as well as men, were making some rather inviting eye contact. This being his last day in Paris a playful sweaty rendezvous back at the hotel would certainly make for a lovely finish to the European tour.
His editor, Ray, had arrived from the U.S. yesterday to meet with some writers who were beginning a French translation of the novel. He sat nearby, throwing out small talk, while Calvin chatted with customers and signed book after book.
It’s great to see this much of a reaction to the book even in the English edition, Ray said. I heard Berlin was a spectacular turnout also.
Fantastic, said Calvin. And yesterday the publisher called—they wanted me to know it was moving up from number nine to number six on the Times best seller list starting tomorrow.
Great news, replied Ray.