All this nonsense about Hitler/fascism has been absurd. Just as nonsensical as the "saving democracy" bunk. The country lives in a cartoon world populated by superheoes and evil personified. Boris Badenov is hacking our elections.
More like the constituents are on Goof Gas.
Thanks for this piece.
But as to Adams — hemay be "sober-minded", and he's no Heinrich Himmler (Hitler's Police Chief), but it has beeen cgarged that "... Mayor Adams abused his position as this City’s highest elected official, and before that as Brooklyn Borough President, to take bribes and solicit illegal campaign contributions. By allegedly taking improper and illegal benefits from foreign nationals—including to allow a Manhattan skyscraper to open without a fire inspection—Adams put the interests of his benefactors, including a foreign official, above those of his constituents."
I didn't vote for the cop mayor nor for the cop presiential candidate. :-)